AGU Publication Home Page
FAIR Data Policy
AGU requires that all data needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research must be available at the time of peer review and publication. Additionally, authors should make available software that has a significant impact on the research. Data, software, and other research objects (e.g. notebooks) should be made available in repositories that support preservation and reuse. An explicit Availability Statement in the Open Research section of the paper is required describing where readers can find and access the data (and software). Authors should include intext citations to data (and software) in the Open Research section and the full citation in the References section. The Reference List entries for the data and software citation (e.g., DOI, URL) should include a bracketed description of their contents. For example, if the Reference List entry corresponds to a dataset, please include [Dataset] in the Reference List entry. Guidance on what the Availability Statement and Citation should include along with templates and examples can be found at Data & Software for Authors.
A directory of repositories is here.
Benefits of Publishing with AGU
Journal Instructions
Policies for Authors
Authorship: Inclusion in Global Research
The Inclusion in Global Research policy aims to promote greater equity and transparency in research collaborations. AGU Publications encourage research collaborations between regions, countries, and communities and expect authors to include their local collaborators as co-authors when they meet the AGU Publications authorship criteria. Those who do not meet the criteria should be included in the Acknowledgement section. Please see this Editorial for more information.
We encourage researchers to consider recommendations from The TRUST CODE - A Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships when conducting and reporting their research, as applicable, and encourage authors to include a disclosure statement pertaining to the ethical and scientific considerations of their research collaborations in an “Inclusion in Global Research” statement as a standalone section in the manuscript following the Conclusions section.
As part of this policy, Editors at their discretion may return a manuscript to the corresponding author for additional information, as listed below. This information may be requested when the research is conducted in low-resourced locations or communities outside of the authors’ own country or community and which rely on local researchers, collaborators, resources, field data, or samples collected there.
The additional information requested includes:
This additional information will be made available to editors and reviewers during the peer review process and the statement will be published with the paper.
Example Inclusion in Global Research Statements:
Example statements can be found in the following published papers. Please note that these statements are titled as “Global Research Collaboration Statements” from a previous pilot requirement in AGU’s JGR Biogeosciences. The pilot has ended and statements should now be titled “Inclusion in Global Research”, per the policy description above.